Ask yourself: Have you checked the condition of your windows lately? If you live in an older home – with older windows – chances are they need an upgrade. So have you considered new replacement windows?

Windows that are more than 20 years old – and are wood or aluminum – just aren’t as efficient or useful as they could be. Luckily, it’s not hard to do a quick inspection and see if you should consider replacement windows.

Here are four signs it’s time for new replacement windows. Read on:

Breaks or Damage

If you have windows that don’t open and shut properly or that have broken glass, missing locks or other maintenance issues, consider investing in replacement windows. Not only is it a security risk to not be able to open and close – or lock – your windows, you are probably not able to do simple things like enjoy a spring breeze or get them sparkling clean (at least not easily).

Higher Energy Bills

Let’s face it: Older windows simply aren’t as efficient as newer models, and you could be letting money fly right out the (ahem) window every month. If you can feel drafts coming in on cooler days, you are losing money.

Get new replacement windows NOW before the colder weather hits!


Older windows can age your home and be bad for curb appeal – especially if you are considering selling your home anytime soon. Your windows are your home’s “eyes” so to speak, and if they look dated and old, your home will, too.

New replacement windows can improve the look and style of your home, and be a huge selling point for potential buyers!

Quality of life

New windows have so many benefits that will improve your quality of life such as: They dampen the outside noises, they can be easily cleaned and maintained, they save you money by cutting energy costs and the simply look better, meaning you will have pride in your lovely home.

Feazel Knows Replacement Windows 

When it comes to trusted local contractors, Feazel is here for you. If you are looking for new replacement windows, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection!