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In this season of friends, family, fun and parties, it can be hard to think gratefully. So what better time than this season of gratitude is there to start a family tradition of gratefulness?

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If you are in the market for new replacement windows – or if you are simply considering renovating your home and are wondering if it's in the budget – you might be wondering how long they will last.

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Ask yourself: Have you checked the condition of your windows lately? If you live in an older home – with older windows – chances are they need an upgrade. So have you considered new replacement windows?

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Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean you still can’t pull on your gloves and get some gardening done – especially with these easy fall gardening tips.

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Your home’s roof is integral to keeping you and your family safe and dry. But, it’s kind of always just there, right? How do you know if you need a new roof? It is always easy to tell if your roof is past its prime.

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Ah, winter in Ohio, and the havoc it wreaks on your Ohio roofing system. One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day, you are shoveling up inches of snow. Sometimes, the weather can change in a single day! You go to work without a coat and come home to ice and frigid temperatures.

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You probably have raked up all the leaves, hung your holiday lights and made sure your lawn furniture is covered or put away, right? It’s almost wintertime, after all.

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It may not quite be time to hang your holiday lights from the gutters, but it’s a good idea to climb up on the roof this week and be sure you are ready for the winter weather.

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Rooftop Gardens

Rooftop gardens and other environmentally friendly projects are at the leading edge of some of today's building projects. When it comes to nontraditional roofs, most of Feazel's roofing projects involve homes in historic areas.

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Oftentimes, a roof that is aging before its time is suffering from problems caused by. And if you are investing in a new roof, it's the perfect time to insulate your attic without causing any further inconvenience. How Can I Tell If My Home Has Sufficient Insulation?

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